
Takeaways from Dragonsteel Part Three

The final writing-related panel I attended at Dragonsteel was an afternoon with publishing professionals, focused on giving advice and information about writing as a career. They talked a little bit about both self publishing and traditional…

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Takeaways from Dragonsteel Part One

It’s been a while since Dragonsteel, but I did attend this year! For those of you unaware, Dragonsteel is a convention held by the author Brandon Sanderson. During the convention, there’s activities, panels, and discussions geared…

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Poetry Ramble

Today’s post is not an advice post, because I am not in a position to be able to give advice on this topic. I am, in fact, barely any good at poetry and rarely manage to…

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“Bad” Ideas

Sometimes I’m guilty of considering the ideas that I come up with as “bad”. Usually before I even consider them for longer than a minute or two. A lot of people claim that there isn’t any…

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January/February Writing Update

I have slowly been settling back into a consistent writing schedule with the new semester. It’s been a little bit of a rough start, but overall I think I’m getting the hang of this semester’s schedule.…

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Adventures in Pantheon

Today’s post is going to be a little bit weird. It’s not quite an advice post, but more of an exploration that I’ve done recently. I created a pantheon for one of those fresh new ideas…

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Human Connection in Writing

A key component in writing is the human connection part of it. The idea that this book reaches across time and distance to be placed in another person’s hands, that the story connects two people that…

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Writing Anxiety and Writing with Anxiety

Anxiety is something similar to stress, something a lot of people experience in small amounts. Anxiety disorders involve persistent and excessive anxiety about different situations. It can severely impact your life, making it impossible to interact…

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