Part IX

Infinity skidded to a stop, spinning to check all the corners before sagging to her knees beside the were-vampire’s prone form. She checked for a pulse. There was one there, but weak. She sagged with relief as she moved to inspect his wounds. Whoever was doing this didn’t know how to kill a were-vampire.  InfinityContinue reading “Part IX”


“Infinity! Please get up! I know you’re alive, stop fighting me!” “One might suggest a calmer approach is applicable here. One is more likely to wish to return to consciousness without the dubious blessing of panicked yelling to deal with when one does so.” The voices threaded in and out of the constant thrum ofContinue reading “Part VIII”

Part VII

Infinity’s brow drew together as her fear bled into fury. She gently stroked the vines that held her tight. “Release the Keeper,” she ordered, and the vines dropped her to the floor. She ignored her pounding heart as she stormed through the Underlair, stoking the anger so it drowned out the fear, focusing on theContinue reading “Part VII”

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